Unattended Clubhouse Access

Policy Adopted February 17th, 2025

A. Initiation and Reinstatement

  1. The Board will start assessing submissions for Unattended Clubhouse Access starting April 1st, 2025.

  2. Unattended Clubhouse Access is only granted to qualifying individuals within a Membership.

  3. You must meet all of the following criteria to be granted Unattended Clubhouse Access:

(a) You are a senior or social member.

(b) You have been a member for the previous 24 months.

(c) You are at least 25 years of age.

(d) You are a member in good standing.

(e) Your membership privileges have never been suspended for cause.

(f) You have completed the Safe Sport Training offered by Sport Canada.

B. Clubhouse Usage

  1. You may use the clubhouse for small gatherings of 20 people or less without charge.

  2. You will be issued a SmartPhone Electronic Key to unlock the main clubhouse door for entry, and lock the door upon exit.

  3. You will be given the Alarm Code to disarm the alarm upon entry, and re-arm the alarm prior to exit.

  4. For non-exclusive access, you may show-up unannounced.

  5. You may not enter the clubhouse if a sign is posted indicated that the clubhouse is exclusively being used for an event or event preparation.

  6. You are encouraged to check the SMSC Calendar of Events on our website, and send an inquiry to operations@smsc.ca in advance for availability.

  7. You may exclusively reserve the clubhouse for three hours, at the discretion of the Operations Team.

  8. There is a booking fee of $25 for exclusive reservations, but no rental fee.

  9. You may only make one exclusive reservation at a time. This is to ensure we are giving other members maximum opportunity to use the clubhouse.

  10. Exclusive reservations must be made one week in advance.

  11. If you have a Volunteer Bartender in your party, that bartender is welcome to open the bar. The Volunteer Bartender Guidelines apply, which include ensuring all guests have been signed-in, where there are a maximum of four guests per member.

  12. You are responsible for leaving things in a clean and orderly state.

  13. No outside alcohol is permitted, as required by law.

  14. All current club policies are in force. You may find them at http://smsc.ca/ under the Governance menu item.

  15. If you require a Special Occasion Liquor License or need hired staff, then you will need rent the clubhouse at the regular rate and enter into a formal rental contract.

C. Responsibility and Authority

  1. The Board of Directors is responsible for assessing whether a member meets the criteria in Section A.

  2. The Board may delegate these assessment responsibilities to a committee.

  3. Only the Board has the authority to grant Unattended Clubhouse Access, but may do so based upon a committee’s assessment.