Youth Sailing Programs

Registration Opening…

SMSC Members: Friday, March 21st @ 6pm.

Public: Tuesday, March 25th @ 6pm.

  • Wet Feet - Full Day

    For children that have completed grade primary. One week sessions run all day. Sessions begin June 30th.

  • Fundamentals

    For new sailors working toward CANSail 1 and 2. One week sessions run all day. Sessions begin June 30th.

  • Opti Intermediate

    For sailors ages 10 to 15 with CANSail 2 to 4. Two week sessions run all day. Sessions begin June 30th.

  • Club 420 Intermediate

    Focussed on sail trim and tactics in preparation for two-person dinghy sailing. Two week full-day sessions begin June 30th.

  • Opti Advanced

    Focussed primarily on racing. Sailors should train for four weeks to participate in regattas. Two week sessions begin June 30th.

  • Club 420 Advanced

    Learn advance competitive racing techniques. Sailors should train four weeks to participate in regattas. Two week sessions begin June 30th.