Youth Sailing Programs
Registration Opening…
SMSC Members: Friday, March 21st @ 6pm.
Public: Tuesday, March 25th @ 6pm.
Wet Feet - Full Day
For children that have completed grade primary. One week sessions run all day. Sessions begin June 30th.
For new sailors working toward CANSail 1 and 2. One week sessions run all day. Sessions begin June 30th.
Opti Intermediate
For sailors ages 10 to 15 with CANSail 2 to 4. Two week sessions run all day. Sessions begin June 30th.
Club 420 Intermediate
Focussed on sail trim and tactics in preparation for two-person dinghy sailing. Two week full-day sessions begin June 30th.
Opti Advanced
Focussed primarily on racing. Sailors should train for four weeks to participate in regattas. Two week sessions begin June 30th.
Club 420 Advanced
Learn advance competitive racing techniques. Sailors should train four weeks to participate in regattas. Two week sessions begin June 30th.