Events Hosts

Now is always a good time to put some fun new events on the calendar. Perhaps some of the following:

  1. Open Mic Night

  2. Learn How to Craft Cocktails Evening

  3. Movie Night and Discussion (something intriguing from the film board or your collection?)

  4. Trivia Pub Night

  5. Diesel Engine Repair Workshop (were you dealing with with engine issues this summer?)

  6. Travel or Photography Presentation (members appreciate tips!)

  7. Art Class for the Artist in All of Us

  8. Dinner on the Orient Express Murder Mystery Night (or any themed dinner)

  9. Mardi Gras Party (February will be here soon enough!)

  10. Scrabble Tournament

  11. Comedy Show (loads of belly laughs at our first one)

  12. Sports Game Broadcast Pub Night with Spicy Wings

  13. Book Club Discussion (introduce everyone to your favourite book, learn about theirs)

  14. Axe Throwing Night (fully-decked out truck comes to the club - at bit pricey, but a poll could validate interest and a willingness of members to pay)

  15. Winter Fun Fair (designed with SMSC’s youngest members in mind)

  16. Your Unique Idea!

The ideas are almost unlimited. However, the active event host and organizer time resources are not. How can we host more events at the club? So, glad you asked! With more hosts!

If you’d like more, or different events, to be held at the club, then consider hosting one. Gather a few of your friends to give you a hand. SMSC has over 220 adult members with a wide-range of interests. Most members live in the area year round. If 5 members step forward to organize and host an event, there could be five fresh fun events added to the calendar. Ten hosts plus helpers = 10 events. Twenty hosts…

There is room on the calendar for more events and smaller events. No need to stick to just weekend or evening events either. Interesting fellow members are sure to be interested in attending your event.

And, you don’t need to lead a workshop or class, just get a lead on who can and the cost. Then, come forward with your idea and agree to take the lead on hosting it.

Being an event host or helper is a fun and direct way to get to know more of your fellow members and for them to get to know you! Hospitality profit is also an important source of funding required to help cover the club’s general overhead costs and mid-term cash needs. Your event will make a difference to the club in many ways!

Planning and promotion assistance is available. Also, there are a few important event guidelines included in our handy “Event Host Guide for Members” that hosts need to follow, such as opening the event up to all members (otherwise we have to charge you for a private rental 😉), ensuring Board approved bar staff is on hand if the bar is open, and pricing it to make a small profit for the club taking into account all planned event costs.

Check your calendar, then check the club’s calendar and drop us a line at to arrange a chat about an event you’d like to host.


Volunteer Bartenders